SPS Policies


IEEE Event Registration Terms & Conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions between IEEE and you when you register for any event or conference organized by IEEE. By registering for an event or conference organized by IEEE you are agreeing to comply with these terms and conditions. You should read this document carefully.

Acceptance of policies & registration conditions

The following IEEE Registration Terms & Conditions (the “Terms & Conditions”) apply to all IEEE events. Prior to your registration, you must acknowledge and accept the Terms & Conditions contained herein. Should you not wish to accept the Terms & Conditions you should not register.

Submission of a registration is regarded as affirmation of your acceptance of the Event Terms & Conditions.

How we will use your information

IEEE is committed to data privacy and protecting your personal information. Information on how IEEE collects, processes, and uses your data is included in the IEEE Privacy Policy which is hereby incorporated into these Terms & Conditions.  Additionally, by submitting your email address during the event registration process, you agree that IEEE and its event partners may send you event-related information.  A valid email address is required for all registrations.

IEEE uses the personal data you provide in this registration for administering your participation in this event.  This may include information about the event’s content, event logistics, payment, updates, and additional information related to the event.

IEEE may disclose your personal data to third party service providers engaged by IEEE to assist in the conduct of the event (e.g. housing bureau, mobile application provider).  Information you provide when registering for or participating in an event managed or co-sponsored by parties other than or in addition to IEEE may be shared with those parties, and the treatment of such information is further subject to the privacy policies of those parties.  Except as described herein, IEEE will not disclose your personal data to any other third party without your consent except where required to do so by law.

Nondiscrimination policy

EEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying against any person for any reason—for example, because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity, appearance, matriculation, political affiliation, marital status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Event conduct & safety

IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others.

What To Do If You Witness or are Subjected to Unacceptable Behavior:  Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with these principles to onsite event staff. Event staff will be happy to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance.

You may also contact IEEE directly to report a concern at [email protected].

Liability waiver & release

In consideration of being allowed to register for, and participate in the event, you hereby warrant and represent that you are age 18 or above and freely waive, release from liability, assume all risks, and covenant not to sue IEEE or its members, employees, board members, agents, or volunteers for any expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, including but not limited to COVID-19, disability, property damage, or property theft or actions of any kind that you may hereafter suffer or sustain before, during, or after the event, unless said expense, loss, damage, personal injury, including loss of life, illness, disability, property damage or property theft or actions of any kind is caused by the sole, gross negligence of IEEE.  This Liability Waiver and Release is specifically binding upon your heirs and assigns and is knowingly given.

Service as an invited speaker

If you agree to speak at an IEEE sponsored event, we may share your contact and biographical information with event attendees. Sometimes we may also request a photograph. In other cases, we post on the respective event website information such as your name, employer, physical work address, work email address, as well as a link to your company website and/or professional LinkedIn page available to the public. This is so that visitors to the event website, including event attendees and speakers, can contact you with questions and requests for more information, and to provide feedback if needed. Additionally, speakers may be asked to complete a release agreement or copyright form prior to their presentation.

Credential/badge scanning during the event

IEEE event co-sponsors, exhibitors, and other third parties may directly request your personal information at their exhibit booths or presentations.  Providing your information to them is optional, and you should review their privacy policies to address your particular needs and concerns about how they will treat your personal information.

If during the event you attend a session or program hosted by an exhibitor other than IEEE, you understand and agree that when you present your badge for scanning or when you provide personal data, that information will go to a non-IEEE entity and IEEE takes no responsibility for how that company uses your personal information.

Usage of photographic & video material taken at IEEE events

To comply with global data privacy laws, IEEE imposes certain restrictions on the use of multimedia at its events (e.g. photography, video, audio, online streaming, and all future mediums).  An attendee is permitted to use hand-held cameras and/or smart phones to take photographs and capture digital images for personal, non-commercial use, provided the photography is not disruptive. Photographs may not be published, sold, reproduced, transmitted, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever.

IEEE may hire professional service providers (photo/video/streaming/audio) to document and display the event experience.  IEEE may also use social media (e.g. Twitter) to: (i) post real-time photos and videos to its social media feeds; and (ii) display select submissions from those feeds on monitors throughout the event venue.  Attendees and sponsors are encouraged to capture their event experiences and post their own social content from the event (text, photos, audio, video, streaming), provided it does not infringe upon the rights of any attendee, sponsor, third party, or IEEE.  Such infringement would include, but is not limited to, defamation or infringement of intellectual property rights.  In the event an attendee requires a release or permission to protect the rights of a third party, obtaining such a release or permission shall be the sole responsibility of the attendee.

By attending the event, you acknowledge and agree as follows: (a) IEEE may edit and use footage it captures at the event for marketing and promotional activities and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business; and (b) due to the prevalence of mobile recording devices in today’s world, IEEE disclaims all liability for the capture of your image in any multimedia format by other attendees at the event.

Recordings of the proceedings of standards development meetings

The IEEE Standards Association Standards Board applies restrictions on recording the proceedings of IEEE standards development meetings. Restrictions include, but are not limited to, the usage of audio recording, video recording, and photography by participants or observers.

Participants of a standards development meeting are required to adhere to IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual


IEEE reserves the right to change, amend, add or remove any of the above Terms & Conditions in its sole discretion and without prior notice. If one or more of the conditions outlined in these Terms & Conditions should become invalid, the remaining conditions will continue to be valid and apply. These Terms & Conditions apply to all event participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors).

The views expressed by any event attendee, speaker, exhibitor, or sponsor are not necessarily those of IEEE.  All attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of all individual or corporation presentations, marketing collateral, and/or advertising.

IEEE Privacy Policy

At IEEE, we respect your privacy. We want to ensure that you get the information, content, and experiences that matter most to you. IEEE is committed to protecting the privacy of its members, customers, volunteers, and other contacts.


This privacy policy applies to all personal data processed by full-time and part-time employees, volunteers when acting on behalf of IEEE, contractors and partners doing business on behalf of IEEE, as well as all legal entities, all operating locations in all countries, and all business processes conducted by IEEE.

Information Collected

What information do we collect?

IEEE collects the following personal data in line with the use purposes explained in a subsequent section:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Date of birth
  • Online profile data/usage
  • Emergency contact information
  • Social media profile information
  • Copies of identification documents
  • Education and professional information
  • Communication information including IEEE Online Support and Contact Center communications
  • Purchasing and payment information
  • Registration and participation in IEEE events and activities
  • Subscription preferences
  • Information about the device(s) you use
  • Information about service usage
  • Cookies
  • Authentication data
  • Location information
  • Author and peer review information
  • Other information you upload or provide to us

How do we use your information?

IEEE uses (and, where specified, shares) your personal information for the following purposes:

To process transactions. IEEE uses personal information such as name, physical address, telephone number, email address, and company/institution to engage in interactions with you, including contacting you about your order, donation, subscription, event participation, or membership. We use financial/credit card and payment information to process your order and may need to share some of this information with delivery services, credit card clearing houses, and other third parties to complete the transaction.

To provide support or other services. IEEE may use your personal information to provide you with support or other services that you have ordered or requested. IEEE may also use your personal information to respond directly to your requests for information, including registrations for newsletters, webinars, or other specific requests, or pass your contact information to the appropriate IEEE distributor or reseller for further follow-up related to your interests.

To provide information based on your needs and respond to your requests. IEEE may use your personal information to provide you with notices of new product releases and service developments.

To provide online forums and social networks. Some services available on the websites permit you to participate in interactive discussions, post comments, opportunities, or other content to a bulletin board or exchange, or otherwise engage in networking activities. Some of these services are moderated; all may be accessed for technical reasons (for example, for improvements or fixes). IEEE does not control the content that users post to these forums or social networks. You should carefully consider whether you wish to submit personal information to these forums or social networks and tailor any content you submit appropriately and in accordance with the relevant terms of use. You should also review any additional terms and conditions that may govern your use of these services, including terms related to sharing your personal information and receiving communications.

To administer products. IEEE may contact you if you purchase products to confirm certain information about your order (for example, that you did not experience problems in the download process). We may also use this information to confirm compliance with licensing and other terms of use and may share it with your company/institution.

To select content, improve quality, and facilitate use of the websites. 
IEEE may use your personal information, including the information gathered as a result of site navigation and electronic protocols and cookies (including third-party cookies), to help create and personalize website content, improve website quality, track marketing campaign responsiveness, evaluate page response rates, conduct usability testing, and facilitate your use of the websites (for example, to facilitate navigation and the login process, avoid duplicate data entry, enhance security, keep track of shopping cart additions, and preserve order information between sessions).

To serve personalized advertising to you. We don’t share your information with advertisers without your consent. We allow advertisers to choose the characteristics of users who will see their advertisements, and we may use any of the non-personally-identifiable attributes we have collected to select the appropriate audience for those advertisements. When you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement, there is a possibility that the advertiser may place a cookie in your browser and that your attributes meet the criteria the advertiser selected.

To assess usage of IEEE products and services. IEEE may track your usage of IEEE products and services (e.g., IEEE Xplore) to determine your level of usage, and those usage statistics may be made available to IEEE’s content licensors and your company/institution.

To communicate with you about a meeting, conference, or event. We may communicate with you about a meeting, conference, or event hosted or co-sponsored by IEEE or one of our business associates. This may include information about the event’s content, event logistics, payment, updates, and additional information related to the event. Information you provide when registering for or participating in a conference managed or co-sponsored by parties, other than or in addition to IEEE may be shared with those parties, and the treatment of such information is further subject to the privacy policies of those parties. IEEE and its conference co-sponsors may contact you after the event about the event, subsequent iterations of the event and related events. Please note that IEEE conference, meeting or event organizers, co-sponsors, exhibitors, and other third parties may directly request your personal information at their conference booths or presentations. Providing your information to them is optional, and you should review their privacy policies to address your particular needs and concerns about how they will treat your personal information.

To consider you for a higher member grade or an IEEE award. IEEE may use personal information such as your name, education, work history, and volunteer activities to consider you for a higher member grade or for an IEEE award. IEEE may need to share this information with your nominators, references, judges, and other parties involved in evaluating your eligibility.

To include you in IEEE Member Directories. If you are an active member of IEEE, one of its Societies, or IEEE Standards Association, at your request, we may include your information in IEEE Member Directory in IEEE Collabratec, and, if applicable, the Fellows Directory and IEEE Society Directories. We may also enable private member to member messaging (your email address is never shared). Active members can customize their member directories visibility preferences any time in account settings.

To document standards development participation. If you are a participant in IEEE standards development, IEEE uses your personal information to comply with policies and procedures, legal and accreditation requirements, and evaluation of patent claims by patent offices. IEEE must capture your personal data for these purposes, and provides information about activities related to standards development groups in which you participate. IEEE standards development participation is documented through various methods, e.g., rosters, submission documents, email reflectors, records of meeting attendance, responses to ballots, publicly available participation lists, and declaration of affiliations.

To assist in your participation in IEEE activities. IEEE will communicate with you, if you are participating in certain IEEE activities such as IEEE conferences, authoring or reviewing an IEEE periodical article, or IEEE humanitarian activities. IEEE may send you information such as newsletters related to those activities.

To update you on relevant IEEE benefits, programs, and opportunities. IEEE may communicate with you regarding relevant IEEE benefits, programs, and opportunities available to you, through your membership(s) with IEEE.

To engage with third parties. IEEE may share your personal data with third parties in connection with services that these individuals or entities perform for or with IEEE. These third parties are restricted from using this data in any way other than to provide services for IEEE or for the collaboration in which they and IEEE are contractually engaged (for example, hosting an IEEE database or engaging in data processing on IEEE’s behalf, or mailing you information that you requested). These third parties are carefully selected by IEEE and obligated to keep your data secure. From time to time, we may also share your information with third parties whom we think might provide content, products, or services of interest to you.

To protect IEEE content and services. We may use your information to prevent potentially illegal activities and to enforce our terms and conditions. We also use a variety of technological systems to detect and address anomalous activity and to screen content to prevent abuse, such as spam. These efforts may, on occasion, result in a temporary or permanent suspension or termination of some functions for some users

To get feedback or input from you. In order to deliver products and services of most interest to our customers, from time to time, we may ask members, customers, volunteers, and website visitors to provide us input and feedback (for example through surveys, usability studies, focus groups).

To protect IEEE information assets as well as your own personal data. The IEEE Information Security Program protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of IEEE information assets by following a risk management approach based on policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures to meet security objectives while supporting business and operational goals.

How can you control your information?

You can control the information we have about you and how we use it in several ways.

  • If you are a registered user, you can review, revise, and correct the personal data that you have provided to IEEE via IEEE Account/MyProfile.
  • Use the unsubscribe method provided in our various communications

Personal data about minors and children

IEEE does not knowingly collect data from or about children under 16 without the permission of parent(s)/guardian(s). If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under age 16, please contact us.

How will you know if the Privacy Policy is changed? 

IEEE may update its Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email if you have an IEEE Account, or by means of a notice on this website prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Conference Organizer Guidelines